Cats are notoriously labelled as independent and aloof creatures who need no one and take care of themselves. But as many of us cat owners know, although generally independent, cats are still loving creatures who very much need our love and affection. Many of us love an affectionate cat, but sometimes the dependency can be too much to handle. And don't get me wrong, not all affectionate cats are clingy and vocal. Knowing how to recognize an affectionate cat from a clingy one is the first step in knowing how to interact with your cat in the best way.
This guide will help you diagnose a clingy cat and outline steps to help your cat become more independent. Here, I write from my first hand experience with a very affectionate, yet needy Russian Blue kitten who started out glued to me 24 hours of the day.
Signs Your Cat is Too Clingy:
- Follows you throughout the house, from room to room (if you find your cat a constant tripping hazard, this is a sign)
- Extremely vocal: Meows incessantly when you leave the room or close the door
- Claws walls and doors to get your attention when you leave or close the door
- Constantly rubs themselves against you
- Doesn't let you leave the house
- Demands to be pet at all hours of the day
- Sits on whatever you are using, or you (all the time)
- Will not eat or drink unless you are with them
- Scratches and kneads you constantly
Not to be confused with a demanding cat, a clingy cat is emotionally needy and lacks the confidence to be independent. On the other hand, a demanding cat will do anything to get your attention (aggressively vocal, purposely causing trouble, jumping on you...etc.) so they can get what they want. In other words, a manipulative cat who wants what they want, when they want it.
Common Reasons Your Cat is Clingy:
Lack of Confidence
Confidence is the key to independence. A cat that isn't comfortable being alone and keeping themselves entertained for any length of time may spend much more time than necessary trying to be with you.
There can be many causes of anxiety or stress causing clingy behavior. You may find that your cat clings to you or hides by your side when they feel scared or uneasy. It could happen during thunderstorms, when unfamiliar people are around or when pets/people who frighten your cat are near. It could even be environment-related, if the environment is uncomfortable or unfamiliar. In any of these cases, your cat may be looking to you for safety in the face of insecurity. Taking note of when clingy behavior occurs can help you identify if there is a particular thing, person or pet causing the behavior.
An alternative to keeping them at your side could be to offer them a space where they feel safe to tuck away. Calming cat beds is a growing trend, and with good reason. Fluffy, cushioned cat beds offer support and a naturally safe sleeping space for anxious cats. Cat hideaways are also a great choice for anxious cats who want a safe space to hideaway from their environment.
New Family Members
Cats feel safe when their days go as expected, with routines and familiar faces. Introducing a new family member to the household, whether a human or pet, can throw your cat off. Such a change can be stressful for cats and will require some time for them to adjust to the changed environment.
Cats need mental stimulation and physical activity to keep their minds and bodies healthy. An under-stimulated cat may resort to destructive behavior or clinginess as a way of telling you he's bored. Remember, a healthy cat is a happy one.
If you don't have one-on-one time to give or simply want to encourage independence, give your cat an interactive toy or space to play - We recommend the Lima Cat Tunnel and Figo Cat Shelves. Two products our cats enjoy most.
An illness may be to blame when their is a sudden change in your cat's behavior. It is advised to get your cat checked by a vet when you notice something is wrong, whether behaviorally or physically. A good vet can diagnose the issue or point you in the right direction if it's a Cat Behaviorist you need.
Early Trauma
If your cat experienced a traumatic experience early in life, this can have a large impact on their behavior. Abandonment or separation from the mother or littermates too early or abruptly can cause anxiety in cats, making it more difficult to adjust. Likewise, a rescue from an abusive home may display similar behavior.
Why Is My Cat So Affectionate All Of a Sudden?
A sudden display of affection might be nice to the one receiving it, but any sudden behavior change in cats could indicate a problem and should be carefully observed. If your cat becomes more affectionate out of the blue, any of the above reasons could be the cause. Some additional reasons could be:
Lack of Attention
Affectionate or needy behavior could indicate a cat who is looking for more attention.
Hormonal Changes
Hormonal fluctuations due to pregnancy or being in heat can impact how affectionate your cat may be towards you.
Getting Older
Many cat owners report that their cats become more affectionate as they get older. It could be that they are settling down and becoming more relaxed, even less playful.
Why is My Cat Being So Clingy and Vocal?
It's important to pay attention to your cat's vocalizations and try to understand what they are trying to communicate. If your cat's vocalizations have changed suddenly or if you are concerned about their behavior, it's always a good idea to consult with your veterinarian.
Note, not all clingy cats are vocal. Some cats may show their clinginess by following their owners around or seeking physical contact, but may not necessarily vocalize. On the other hand, some cats may be vocal but not necessarily clingy. It really depends on the individual cat's personality and temperament.
Some cats may also become clingy and vocal in certain situations but not in others. For example, a cat may become vocal and clingy when their owner is about to leave the house, but may be more independent at other times.
It's important to remember that cats, like people, have their unique personalities and behaviors. Some cats may be naturally more vocal and clingy than others, while some may prefer to keep to themselves. Understanding your cat's individual personality and behavior can help you provide them with the care and attention they need to be happy and healthy.
Here are several reasons why your cat may be vocal, not all relating to neediness:
Medical issues
Most Vocal Cat Breeds
Oriental Shorthair
Oriental Shorthairs are another breed that is known for being vocal. They are closely related to Siamese cats and share many of the same vocal traits.
Sphynx cats may not be as vocal as Siamese or Oriental Shorthairs, but they are still known for being relatively chatty. They have a distinctive, high-pitched meow that some owners find endearing.
Burmese cats are known for being very talkative and social. They have a range of vocalizations, from soft purrs to loud, insistent meows.
It's worth noting that not all cats of a particular breed will be vocal. A cat's personality and individual traits can vary widely, even within the same breed.
How to Make Your Cat Less Clingy:
Don't give in...completely
Give affection but in moderation, only when your cat is well behaved. Be prepared to ignore your cat when their behaving in a way that needs correction (ie. clawing walls or meowing incessantly).
Practice physical distancing
If your cat is demanding attention all-day long even after you've provided it, you may need to practice some social distancing. This will help your cat learn that they will not always get your attention when they call. Over time and with consistency, your cat will become more independent.
Encourage independence
Occasionally leaving your cat alone with some toys is a great way to encourage independence. Try to find toys that your cat enjoys playing with. Some interactive toys can be helpful in keeping your cat entertained when you are away or out of the room.
Take it slow
It is really important to gradually increase the distance. You need to ease your cat into their new independence. Change can be shocking and stressful so it's important that you take it slowly. Pay attention to your cat and their behavior.
Now this last one isn't for everyone but I personally used these techniques (out of pure necessity) and found they actually worked really well. When your cat is behaving badly in an effort to get your attention, doing extreme things like clawing walls, the following disciplinary measures can be effective. With consistency, your cat will learn not to continue the bad behavior.
- Compressed air (aimed away from the cat, always) or another loud alternative, can help deter your cat from repeating the bad behavior. Cats don't like loud noise (especially the unfamiliar) and will stop what they're doing. They will eventually associate the bad behavior with the disliked sound and avoid it altogether.
- Water in a spray bottle (if your cat doesn't like water)
- Using a loud tone of voice. I have a tone when I tell my cat to stop doing what he's doing...Somehow, he understands it and usually quits his bad behavior. But cat's are notorious for not doing as told so this one may not work everyone, but it's worth a shot!
Here is a photo of the damage my kitten did to the outside of my bedroom wall (and here I am trying to patch it). After some time of consistent use of the methods outlined herein, my needy cat became independent and to my delight, stopped clawing my walls.
Do you have a clingy cat? Share your experience in the comments below.
Tierra on Aug 03, 2021
I’m a new cat mom so I’m still learning, and she’s barely 8 weeks. She’s super clingy. I’ve literally tripped over her at least half dozen times. She’ll lay where ever I am ONLY. She falls asleep in the kitchen at my feet while I’m eating. The minute I move, she’s on the move. Once again tripping me up.😩 she also doesn’t let me sleep through the night (She likes to play 3-4 am) so I’ve gotten a kennel (really big and expensive LOL) just for her to sleep in at night with her litter water food and a few toys. Is that cruel? She’s out and moving about around 5:30am when I’m getting ready for work.
Lada on Aug 03, 2021
My cat follows me everywhere and cannot be in a different room then me even when u leave the house he goes to the window and meow cries until I come back it is so sad
I believe his previous owners abused and abandoned him since somebody gave him away to me
Lisa on Aug 03, 2021
I noticed that my cat don’t eat when I’m not home. I get home from ok work, the bowl is still full and she runs to her food when I go to the kitchen . When she is napping, if she hear me move or make a sound she pops her head up and watches me. She follows me back and forth from room to room. When she is not sitting next to me she stares at me from across the room. She never takes her eyes iff me. She can barely sleep because of watching me. At night I have to put a high gate, cage at the end of the hallway so she can’t get to my bedroom door. She would scratch and meow at my door all night and I won’t get any sleep. I feel like I have to leave the house to get a break. It’s a little too much for me. I never had a cat this clingy.
Victoria on Feb 08, 2021
My cat follows me to the bathroom and waits by the door. I kind of like it, except in the middle of the night when I can’t see him!